Shades of love in ZOO Wroclaw

Data aktualizacji: 2017-02-24

Fascination or love at first sight – feelings not only for humans. In the world of animals, there are also passionate romances and endless faithfulness or broken hearts. We don't have to look far to see examples; go to ZOO Wroclaw. In occasion of Valentine’s Day, we invite you for a walk with animals in love.

Do animals love better? It is known that they feel the spring faster – because spring is a signal for them that it is time for lovemaking. In February there is an atmosphere of courtship and fight for a partner. We can observe it practicallyon every area for animals and we could learn about faithfulness from some pairs.

Love like a fairy tale

The aardvark, called also ground piglet, it as a phenomenon in the world of animals. As one of the few animal species it has not genetic “cousins" and it is the only one representative of Orycteropus. Aardvarks is completely loner in nature. It does not like to spend time with other aardvarks. Meanwhile, In Wroclaw ZOO there is an unusual feeling in this species. Tanu was born in Tanzanian zoo. It came to Wroclaw spending some time alone. It was known that partner in the same species will be attached to him. Currently, zoological gardens play pro recreative role. Animals must have a chance to propagation and saving the species. When Lotte came from Frankfurt to Wroclaw, workers did not know what is the future of this pair. But it was a love at first sight! Wroclaw’s aardvarks spend every moment together. Although they have a possibility to use beautiful area, they prefer to spend their time together at the bottom of the den.

Prudent – not romantic

Tina lives in Sahara’s pavilion. It is a representative of threatened species, fennec fox. Tina is an exemplary wife. It creates a perfect relationship with its partner. Although fennec foxes are not sensitive, but we can see that they are very close. In addition, it is a relationship with future. Foxes already have four offsprings. It is an incredible happiness because fennec foxes are in threatened species. It is because of degradation of environment and trend for having fennec foxes as a domestic animal.

Variable love like Sahara

It is time for history about a broken heart. Ramzes, the dromedary came to Wroclaw from Germany. Handsome camel draws Wroclaw’s dromedaries attention from the first day. He chose Aisha – young Greek dromedary. This relationship bears fruit by beautiful offsprings. It is said about baby dromedary that it is “humpbacked happiness" because it was the first offspring of dromedary in ZOO Wroclaw from 17 years. Ramzes wasn’t faithful - it came out to be an inconsistent lover. Like a real Pharaon, it thinks that it deserves more than one wife. Currently, it is in one of the German botanical gardens.

Play like children

YUNNAN, born in des Sables d’Ollone ZOO in 2008 and MEI LI, born in Goerlitz Zoo are two, lovely red pandas. Their relationship looks like the relationship of two teenagers. They spend mornings and evenings playing tag, running around the area, climbing the tree. And when everything seems to be beautiful and romantic – they take offense on each other and spend a long time sitting on different trees. Zoo keepers look on silly behavior and dream about offsprings because it is one of the most threatened species.

Amatory, monkey’s song

Xian and Carusa is a pair of lar gibbons that make zoo workers’ happy. When they came, people were not sure if monkeys will be a couple. Because with monkeys is like with people – nothing is easy! Meanwhile gibbons like each other on sight and after one year, they have first son Dao. It is a chance that family will be bigger because lar gibbons is a monogamic species, they are in a relationship for many years. Decreasing number of population in nature does not give a chance for surviving during a few decades. It is a titbit that lar gibbons are masters in lilting courtships. Their mating chanson is audible within 4 km.

Long-term feeling

We will finish our romantic walk on a beautiful couple of local wild cats. It is a real example of consequence and persistence in a relationship. Lynxes, Orkan and Pandora are 14 years old and they are together since 2008. But they are not bored. They spend their time together in their area. They take care of each other and do not rival for food or area. These representatives of local, threatened species are a hope for consolidation of wild cats’ species. Orkan and Pandora have young lynxes every year. They have already 20 offsprings! Perfect marriage and perfect family.

Zdjecie Beata Jackowska

Beata Jackowska