Holy Name of Jesus University Church

Data utworzenia: 2022-07-29

An early Baroque church with the neighbouring University is one of the masterpieces of architecture in Silesia, left by Jesuits. It has a main nave, matroneum and two rows of chapels.

Beautiful illusionist pictures of Johann Michael Rottmayr on the ceilings of the church come from the years 1705-1706. The interior was made according to the designs of Christoph Tausch, a Jesuit artist. It was him, who also designed the Main Altar, created in the years 1722-1724. The artist himself painted the picture over the main altar, "Presentation of Jesus at the Temple" (8m x 3,8m).

On the websit www.uniwersytecki.archidiecezja.wroc.pl it is possible to take a virtual walk.

The information from the website of the Holy Name of Jesus parish (Kościół Uniwersytecki p.w. Najświętszego Imienia Jezus).


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