Kupczyk (Merchant)

Data utworzenia: 2021-05-28

A specialist in the art of merchandising and bargaining. Before he settled permanently in Wrocław a few months ago, he led the life of a travelling merchant.

However, everyone finds a dream place to live at some point. Kupczyk has settled by the shopping centre (Komandorska Street). Today, Kupczyk no longer trades as much as he used to. He advises the Merchant Guild, whose members travel the world and bring various exotic goods to the Underground Dwarf City.

Kupczyk also sits on the economic advisory group to the Council of Sages. It is also thanks to his knowledge that Dwarfs do not have to worry about the economic crisis.

So what is Kupczyk doing at the shopping centre? As he says, he enjoys observing the commercial life of the city and teaching younger merchants how to haggle. Kupczyk is also running a private campaign to promote the world's strongest currency, the Dwarf Thaler. He secretly hopes that instead of the Euro, Wrocław will welcome the Thaler.


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