Młynarz Tumski (Tumski Miller)

Data utworzenia: 2021-05-28

Few people know of the existence of this heroic dwarf. And yet it was thanks to him that the people of Wrocław had flour for many years.

The miller came to Wrocław with the first millwheel. He belongs to the Hardworkers Tribe, which are dwarfs who help people with their work. Młynarz is a specialist in the equipment used to grind grain. For centuries he worked unnoticed at the Maria Mill in Wrocław's Ostrów Tumski.

When the tired people of the mill went to bed, Młynarz would spring into action. He oiled all the mechanisms and removed minor faults, so that the mill operated for many years without fault and the locals always had fresh flour.

Since the Maria Mill ceased operations, Młynarz has enjoyed a well-deserved retirement. He now likes to bake as a hobby. He made an agreement with the owner of a nearby bakery, who sells Młynarz's products to the Big People, without revealing the dwarf's existence.

In his spare time, Młynarz likes to sit by the Oder and blow clouds of smoke in the shape of fresh buns out of his pipe.


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