Pan Tadeusz Museum
The museum presents both permanent exhibitions and an extensive programme of exhibitions and innovative educational activities.
The manuscript of the masterpiece by Adam Mickiewicz is not the only attraction. Organized around it is all the remaining 17 topical permanent exhibition rooms, housing 200 historic exhibits, 100 games, applications and animations. There are, among others, rooms devoted to traditional Polish customs - the official, public ones, including government offices and hunting, as well as private, with the culture of home and the table.
The museum offers a well designed multimedia exhibition, including the Oculus technology. Thanks to special eyepieces, it allows experiencing a virtual journey in space, mapping of the walls of the museum courtyard, and finally, offers an avatar, which is used for educational activities for children.
The well designed corridor (imitating inscription-covered walls from the communist times) will lead us out of the room "Powidoki"("Afterimages") to the Hall of Witness to History, Władysław Bartoszewski and Jan Nowak-Jeziorański, former director of the Radio Free Europe.
Many facilities were also prepared for the visually and hearing impaired, as well as wheelchair users.