Obieżysmak (Taste-Explorer)

Data utworzenia: 2021-05-28

Mean people say he is the biggest glutton this city has ever seen. He calls himself a gourmet…

Mean people say he is the biggest glutton this city has ever seen. He calls himself a gourmet...

Obieżysmak is one of the most famous dwarfs in Wrocław. Spread out on a huge plate, he spends most of his time around the Pizza Hut restaurant on Wrocław's Market Square. His belly is full and he is either snoozing blissfully or wondering what else to eat...

He developed a passion for food as a child and was often fed delicacies by his grandmother. Already as an adult he decided, in a dwarf custom, to go on a journey around the world. However, while other dwarfs seek adventure, wisdom and experience in the wide world, Obieżysmak from the very beginning had a clearly defined goal - to eat to his heart's content and find a place where food and drink is always in abundance. After many years of travelling, driven by sentiment and a culinary premonition, he decided to return to Lower Silesia. For he had blissful memories of his grandmother's pierogi, bigos and minced meat cutlets. Lured by the delicious smells, he immediately headed for Wrocław's Old Town. He was delighted to see a multitude of restaurants, eateries, bars and buffets on the market square. Without thinking about it too much, he snatched a spoon and a plate from the restaurant's kitchen and indulged in the local specialities.

Rumour has it that stroking the greedy dwarf’s belly brings luck and heralds a dream journey. We are not sure about the journey part, but the dwarf constantly stroked by Wrocław residents did not bring the city luck before the Expo. Perhaps he was afraid that tourists would eat all the delicacies from the local restaurants?


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