Setka Bar in Wrocław
Popular place with interior that comes straight from the PRL times. You can eat your steak tartare or potatoes with gzik sitting in Fiat 126p and to that.
Popular place with interior that comes straight from the PRL times. You can eat your steak tartare or potatoes with gzik sitting in Fiat 126p and to that.
One of the most picturesque meeting places of artists, musicians, writers and actors from Wrocław in which a lot of concerts, show..
Lot Kury has a menu that is one of a kind and is a creation of the inventive, excellent staff. It is especially appreciated by the..
In Stacja Pasibus reigns casual atmosphere, deriving from burger food trucks, the roots of Pasibus.
Bar open 24 hours - earlier known as Przemysłowa bistro, located in the backstreet between ul. Szewska and Rynek.
Pod Latarniami’s atmosphere and interior design was inspired by popular Czech inns, in which you can meet with your friends, eat a..
Ambasada is a place in the heart of the city centre, where the trails of people from Wrocław and tourists exploring party side of ..
One of the hippest clubs in Wrocław. offbeat interior, well-equipped bar, neatly-picked staff and extraordinarily ludic atmosphere..
The speciality of Kociołek bar&grill are the meals from oven, meat, fish, vegetable dishes.
Pub with a wide choice of beers. It is located near The Musical Theatre and Polski Theatre.