Wykształciuch (Scholar)

Data utworzenia: 2021-06-01

Contrary to what the first impression might suggest, this dwarf is not snoozing on a pile of thick books, but thinking intensively.

The educated and well-read gentleman ponders the meaning of life and seeks answers to philosophy's greatest questions.

Silent and thoughtful since childhood, Wykształciuch, as he was called after arriving in Wrocław, has settled in front of building C13 of Wrocław University of Technology. He obviously chose this place for a reason. As a holder of all possible titles in physics and chemistry awarded to him by dwarven universities in Europe, he felt most at home here. When he had possessed almost all the knowledge available in human books, he decided to delve into the meanders of philosophy, which, as history teaches us, is not always easy for the most outstanding scientific minds. Since then he has been spending most of his time thinking.

Immersed in his world, he seeks answers to the most important questions of mankind, posed by eminent philosophers for years. Silent and in constant reflection, he does not participate in the daily life of other dwarfs, which often exposes him to pranks and mischief. Some even claim that his main occupation is sitting on books, i.e. the dwarf equivalent of learning by putting books under your pillow at night...

Invited to sit on the Wrocław Dwarf Council, he declined, stating that he had no intention of wasting his time on such silliness. His best (only) friend is Bibliofil, with whom he sometimes meets for evening tea.

Students passing by the dwarf often claim to hear his heavy sighs. Sometimes he even lets out a melancholic and mysterious “Oh right, right”. Nobody quite knows why he holds a pen in his hand and what he wants to write down. Perhaps he is working on some extremely important formula, but we will probably never know. Well, unless someone manages to get into a learned dispute with the wise dwarf and persuades him to confide.


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