Zoo in Wrocław
The Zoo in Wrocław was created in 1865 and had a dozen hectares of surface. Today on 33 ha live 10,000 animals
ZOO in Wrocław is the oldest and the richest in fauna in Poland. It is possible to see the animals from every continent and environments, for example in Madagascar, Sahara or Europe Pavillons.
For many years the Zoo was directed by Hanna and Antoni Gucwińscy, who used to talk about the inhabitants of the Zoo in the programme "With camera among animals" (Z kamerą wśród zwierząt). Since 2007 the Zoo has been directed by Radosław Ratajczak.
In the last few years many new enclosures have been built, for example for bears and wolves. There are also new animals, among which very rare species like okapi.
The youngest visitors of the Zoo can see:
– feeding of the animals: in summer - from April to October, in winter - from November to March; some animals in the yard can be fed by visitors. The food can be bought in the machines;
– pony riding for children in summer on the Ranch; for children under the age of 10;
– feeding can be watched everyday, the Zoo is open all year long, also on holidays.