Christmas cribs and exhibitions – where and when
According to the tradition of the Catholic Church, the first crib was built by Saint Francis of Assisi.
He placed a small figure of the small Jesus inside and placed living animals – an ox and a donkey – beside it. That was at the beginning of the 13th century in the Italian village of Greccio. Since then, cribs have been placed regularly inside and in front of churches.
Moving crib in Piasek
Every parish can boast its own crib during Christmas. The most famous crib, which we can watch not only during Christmas, but also for the rest of the year, is a moving crib in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Piasek.
Living crib in Wittigowo
From 24th December, a living Christmas crib can be seen in the parish of the Blessed Blessed Virgin Mary Mother of Consolation at ul. Wittiga in Wrocław. Apart from traditional figures of saints, there will be sheep, a donkey, a horse and a calf. Animals will be lent by the Wrocław Zoo. The crib will be open every day from 8:00 am till 8:00 pm. Its closure is scheduled on Three Kings’ Day on 6th January.
Christmas carol concerts
Alicja Majewska, Olga Bończyk, Łukasz Zagrobelny and Włodzimierz Korcz are extremely sensitive and greatly capable of producing the most sublime of feelings in their audience.
In concert: "Gwiazdo świeć, kolędo leć"
Sala Koncertowa Radia Wrocław im. Jana Kaczmarka
Magic is the best word to describe the traditional Piwnica pod Baranami Christmas concert, the title itself embracing the audience in a mysterious, winter-like and magical feel.
Piwnica pod Baranami Christmas carols and pastorals live
National Forum of Music
Feel free to join the NFM Boys’ Choir and the Con Brio Choir from the Grażyna Bacewicz Music School in Wrocław for a gleeful Christmas carol show at the National Forum of Music.