What is open from 12 th February
Cycling Round and Round competition
What to see in Wroclaw
Below we suggest where to find such attractions and spots in Wroclaw and its nearest surroundings that will make you satisfied with this summer, even if you had to resign from all-inclusive holidays far away in the world.
„Loving Vincent”, or made in Wrocław
The first animated painting film in history was made in Wrocław. The film was co-produced by the Wrocław City Office, CeTA Centre for Audiovisual Technology and Odra Film.
Take Over Wro. Show us our city!
As one of the few cities in the world, Wrocław wants to break the mould of perceiving tourists only as recipients. After all, your perception of Wrocław is different than ours. It is fresh, unbiased and simply true. So why not use it?
Wrocław's history
The beginnings of Wrocław are connected with a settlement that developed at a spot convenient for crossing the Oder River, at a crossroads of important and old communication trails coming from Southern Europe to the North, to the Baltic Sea and from the West to the East, to the region of the Black Sea.
Coat of arms, logo, colours
In 1989 even before the elections, a Wrocław Heraldic Committee was established, which was to develop a new coat of arms for the city. The new city symbol was established by the new City Council in June 1990. At first St. John the Baptist was straight (en face). In 1995 this emblem was changed, and now we have a profile of the saint's head (some say this is the so called Tartar's head).
1000 – Wrocław becomes the seat of the bishopric. Appearance of papal edict – the oldest preserved, written mention of Wrocław. November 2002 – The function of the President of Wrocław is taken by Rafał Dutkiewicz, elected for the first time after the war in direct elections.
Secrets of Wrocław's Coat of Arms
What can be shortly said about Wrocław's coat of arms? Two St. Johns, an eagle, a lion, and a letter "W". The symbol is visible in many places: the city hall, of course, but also on manhole covers or lamp posts. What do its components symbolize, where did they come from, and what is their meaning?
Learning about the architectural monuments of Wrocław can be a fascinating travel back in time. It is worth starting off with Ostrów Tumski, the oldest part of the city and the cathedral, which is domineering in its panorama - a Gothic building from the 13th and 14th century, in 1992 equipped with new helmets.